Villa Lappi

The special features of this house are the big open terrace with an entrance out to the garden, and a very light space occupying two floors above the dining and living rooms. The necessary level of comfort is provided by spacious bedrooms and bathrooms. This is a light-filled house with no dark corners. Inclined mansard windows allow for the opportunity of being lifted up out of a normal perception of space and of being transported into a world of poetry enhanced by the movements of sunlight on simple cubic forms. A favourite chair or bed will suddenly be lit up by a stray sunbeam. The garden provides many hours of opportunity to admire its charms, listen to the singing of the birds or even just looking up at the stars at night.
  • : 244 m2
  • : 202,4 m2
  • : 26,5 m2
  • : 11,4 x 12,9 m

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